Everything about beer.....home brewing, drinking, etc. Trials and tribulations in the pursuit of the perfect beer.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Ommegang Adoration
Ommegang Adoration Special Winter Ale. Poured a reddish brown color with a monster head......maybe too much carbonation. Smells of carmel, malt, citrus, and spice. First taste was pretty good just what I would expect from Ommegang. Tastes of malt and spice with a little bitterness at the beginning and definitely some alcohol (coming in at 10% abv). I like it a lot. One of the best I've had. Samuel Smith Winter Welcome is still my favorite in this style but the Ommegang is a close second. I picked it up at Vintage Estates in Youngstown, OH for $14.99 for a 750ml bottle. Definitely worth the price and then some.
Link to NEI site on Japan nuke plant
Rather than continuing to cut and paste I am just inserting the link.
I am then going to resume posting about beer.............
By the way tonight I am going to be having an Ommegang Three Philosophers. Belgian Quadruple. Can't wait. Tell you about it later
I am then going to resume posting about beer.............
By the way tonight I am going to be having an Ommegang Three Philosophers. Belgian Quadruple. Can't wait. Tell you about it later
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Latest update from NEI on Japan's nuclear plants
News reports that high radiation levels led to the evacuation of all workers from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station are not accurate. Workers were evacuated for about an hour but returned to the site to continue efforts to restore safe conditions at the plant.
Restoration of electrical power to the site was under way at the Daiichi plant as of 6:00 a.m. EDT Wednesday. A temporary cable was being connected between an off-site power line and Daiichi reactor 3. Off-site power has not been available at the site since the earthquake on March 11.
Reactors 1, 2 and 3 at the plant are being cooled with seawater. There is some level of uranium fuel damage at all three units, and containment structure damage is suspected at reactor 2.
Before the earthquake, reactor 4 had been in refueling and was completely defueled. Attempts to provide cooling water to the used fuel pool at reactor 4 by helicopter were not successful. Preparations are being made to inject water into the fuel storage pool using a high-capacity spray pump. There have been two fires inside the reactor containment building at reactor 4, but they have been extinguished. Although the reactor containment building at Unit 4 was damaged, the primary containment vessel remains intact.
At the Fukushima Daini site, all four reactors are safely shut down and cooling functions are being maintained.
News reports that high radiation levels led to the evacuation of all workers from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station are not accurate. Workers were evacuated for about an hour but returned to the site to continue efforts to restore safe conditions at the plant.
Restoration of electrical power to the site was under way at the Daiichi plant as of 6:00 a.m. EDT Wednesday. A temporary cable was being connected between an off-site power line and Daiichi reactor 3. Off-site power has not been available at the site since the earthquake on March 11.
Reactors 1, 2 and 3 at the plant are being cooled with seawater. There is some level of uranium fuel damage at all three units, and containment structure damage is suspected at reactor 2.
Before the earthquake, reactor 4 had been in refueling and was completely defueled. Attempts to provide cooling water to the used fuel pool at reactor 4 by helicopter were not successful. Preparations are being made to inject water into the fuel storage pool using a high-capacity spray pump. There have been two fires inside the reactor containment building at reactor 4, but they have been extinguished. Although the reactor containment building at Unit 4 was damaged, the primary containment vessel remains intact.
At the Fukushima Daini site, all four reactors are safely shut down and cooling functions are being maintained.
Update on Japanese reactors from NEI
UPDATE AS OF 5:00 P.M. EDT, TUESDAY, MARCH 15:NEI has posted a new fact sheet "Used Nuclear Fuel Storage at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant."
UPDATE AS OF 2:15 P.M. EDT, TUESDAY, MARCH 15:An explosion at Unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant earlier today has damaged the suppression chamber, which holds water and steam released from the reactor core. Personnel not directly supporting recovery efforts have been evacuated from the plant, with about 50 employees remaining, principally to restore cooling water in the reactors.
Later in the day, water level inside the Unit 2 reactor was measured at 1.7 meters below the top of the fuel rods, but it was rising as workers pumped sea water into the reactor, reports said.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said that an oil leak in a cooling water pump at Unit 4 was the cause of a fire that burned for approximately 140 minutes. The fire was not in the spent fuel pool, as reported by several media outlets. Unit 4 was in a 105-day-long maintenance outage at the time of the earthquake and there is no fuel in the reactor.
All four reactors at the Fukushima Daini power plant are shutdown and reactor coolant systems are keeping the reactors safe.
Residents have been evacuated from the area surrounding the facility and they have been given potassium iodide tablets as a preventive measure. The ingestion of the tablets can help prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has sent 11 experts to Tokyo to provide assistance requested by the Japanese government. Two reactor experts were dispatched Saturday; others began departing Monday.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu said today that nuclear energy is safe and important to the country’s energy portfolio. Americans “should have full confidence that the United States has rigorous safety regulations in place to ensure that our nuclear power is generated safely and responsibly.”
In testimony before the House of Representatives, Chu said: “Safety remains at the forefront of our effort to responsibly develop America’s energy resources, and we will continue to incorporate best practices and lessons learned into that process.” He said the country must rely on several energy sources, including nuclear.
Sen. Jeff Bingaman, chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said in a statement, “I think undoubtedly they’ll (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) be taking a fresh look at the safety precautions and provisions that are in place, in light of whatever is learned from the Japanese. I hope that the Commission will quickly reach some conclusions about whether the safety precautions and provisions that it has insisted on are adequate for the future.”
UPDATE AS OF 2:15 P.M. EDT, TUESDAY, MARCH 15:An explosion at Unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant earlier today has damaged the suppression chamber, which holds water and steam released from the reactor core. Personnel not directly supporting recovery efforts have been evacuated from the plant, with about 50 employees remaining, principally to restore cooling water in the reactors.
Later in the day, water level inside the Unit 2 reactor was measured at 1.7 meters below the top of the fuel rods, but it was rising as workers pumped sea water into the reactor, reports said.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said that an oil leak in a cooling water pump at Unit 4 was the cause of a fire that burned for approximately 140 minutes. The fire was not in the spent fuel pool, as reported by several media outlets. Unit 4 was in a 105-day-long maintenance outage at the time of the earthquake and there is no fuel in the reactor.
All four reactors at the Fukushima Daini power plant are shutdown and reactor coolant systems are keeping the reactors safe.
Residents have been evacuated from the area surrounding the facility and they have been given potassium iodide tablets as a preventive measure. The ingestion of the tablets can help prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has sent 11 experts to Tokyo to provide assistance requested by the Japanese government. Two reactor experts were dispatched Saturday; others began departing Monday.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu said today that nuclear energy is safe and important to the country’s energy portfolio. Americans “should have full confidence that the United States has rigorous safety regulations in place to ensure that our nuclear power is generated safely and responsibly.”
In testimony before the House of Representatives, Chu said: “Safety remains at the forefront of our effort to responsibly develop America’s energy resources, and we will continue to incorporate best practices and lessons learned into that process.” He said the country must rely on several energy sources, including nuclear.
Sen. Jeff Bingaman, chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said in a statement, “I think undoubtedly they’ll (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) be taking a fresh look at the safety precautions and provisions that are in place, in light of whatever is learned from the Japanese. I hope that the Commission will quickly reach some conclusions about whether the safety precautions and provisions that it has insisted on are adequate for the future.”
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Here is the latest info on Japan taken from the NEI website (not media)
UPDATE AS OF 10:20 A.M. EDT, TUESDAY, MARCH 15:The level of radioactivity at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has been decreasing, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
At 8 p.m. EDT March 15, a dose rate of 1,190 millirem per hour was observed. Six hours later, the dose rate was 60 millirem per hour, IAEA said.
About 150 residents near the Fukushima Daiichi site have been checked for radiation and 23 have been decontaminated.
Japanese authorities have distributed potassium iodide tablets to evacuation center (see this page for more information on potassium iodide). If taken within several hours of ingesting radioactive iodine, potassium iodide can protect the thyroid gland.
Fukushima DaiichiUnits 1 and 3 at Fukushima Daiichi are stable and cooling is being maintained through seawater injection. Primary containment integrity has been maintained on both reactors.
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) reported an explosion in the suppression pool at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 2, at 7:14 p.m. EDT on March 14. Reactor water level was reported to be at 2.7 meters below the top of the fuel. The pressure in the suppression pool decreased from 3 atmospheres to 1 atmosphere. Radiation readings at the site increased to 96 millirem per hour.
Dose rates at Fukushima Daiichi as reported at 10:22 p.m. EDT on March 14 were:
We are working on getting updated information on radiation and dose rates at and near the plant.
Station personnel not directly supporting reactor recovery efforts have been evacuated, leaving approximately 50 staff members at the site. Operators are no longer in the main control room due to high radiation levels.
Safety relief valves were able to be re-opened and seawater injection into the reactor core was restarted around 1 a.m. EDT on March 15 and is continuing.
At Unit 4 on March 14 at approximately 8:38 p.m. EDT, a fire was reported in the reactor building. It is believed to have been from a lube oil leak in a system that drives recirculation water pumps. Fire fighting efforts extinguished the fire. The roof of the reactor building was damaged.
Fukushima DainiAll four reactors at Fukushima Daini are being maintained with normal cooling using residual heat removal systems.
UPDATE AS OF 10:25 P.M. EDT, MONDAY, MARCH 14:Yukio Edano, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, during a live press conference at 10 p.m. EDT, said there is a fire at Fukushima Daiichi 4 that is accompanied by high levels of radiation between Units 3 and 4 at the site. The fire began burning at Unit 4 at around 6 a.m. Japan time on March 14 and is still burning. Fire fighters are responding to the fire. The reactor does not have fuel in the reactor, but there is spent fuel in the reactor (pool) and Edano said that he assumes radioactive substances are being released. “The substances are coming out from the No. 4 reactor and we are making the utmost effort to put out the first and also cool down the No. 4 reactor (pool).”
Edano said that a blast was heard this morning at Unit 2 at about 6:30 a.m. A hole was observed in the number 2 reactor and he said there is very little possibility that an explosion will occur at Unit 2.
“The part of the suppression chamber seems to have caused the blast,” Edano said. A small amount of radioactive substance seems to have been released to the outside.
TEPCO workers continue to pump sea water at 1, 2 and 3 reactors. “The biggest problem is how to maintain the cooling and how to contain the fire at No. 4.” At 10:22 a.m. Japan time, the radiation level between units 2 and 3 were as high as 40 rem per hour. “We are talking about levels that can impact human health.” Edano said.
Of the 800 staff that remained at the power plant, all but 50 who are directly involved in pumping water into the reactor have been evacuated.
UPDATE AS OF 9:40 P.M. EDT, MONDAY, MARCH 14: An explosion in the vicinity of the suppression pool at Fukushima Daiichi 2 just after 6:20 a.m. Japan Standard Time (5:20 p.m. EDT) may have damaged a portion of the reactor’s primary containment structure.
Pressure in the suppression pool has been reported to have decreased to ambient atmospheric pressure shortly after the blast. Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) has reported possible damage to the reactor’s pressure-suppression system. Radiation levels at local monitoring stations have risen but are still in flux. TEPCO has evacuated some workers from all three Fukushima reactors with the exception of approximately 50 workers involved in sea water pumping activities into the reactors as part of emergency cooling efforts.
Residents within a 20-kilometer (12.5 mile) zone around the plant were ordered to evacuate on Saturday following a hydrogen explosion at Unit 1. Another hydrogen explosion occurred this morning (U.S. time) at Unit 3.
Efforts to inject sea water into Unit 2 have been complicated by a faulty pressure relief valve. The fuel at Unit 2 has been exposed at least twice, before being re-covered with sea water.
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yukio Edano, has said a partial defect has been found inside the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
UPDATE AS OF 5:30 P.M. EDT, MONDAY, MARCH 14:Tokyo Electric Power Co. reported at 3:00 p.m. EDT that work had resumed to pump seawater into Fukushima Daiichi 2 to maintain safe cooling water levels after the utility was able to vent steam from the pressure vessel. The fuel had been exposed for 140 minutes Monday night due to a malfunctioning pressure relief valve. Water levels later went up to cover more than half of the rods.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission reports that the Japanese government has formally asked for assistance from the United States on nuclear power plant cooling issues triggered by the March 11 tsunami.
The agency has already sent two experts on boiling water reactor issues to Japan as part of a U.S. Agency for International Development disaster relief team. The experts now are in Tokyo providing technical assistance. The U.S. NRC is also monitoring the Japanese reactor events around the clock from its headquarters operations center in Rockville, Md.
Prior to the second exposure of the rods around 11 p.m., March 14 local time in Japan, radiation at the plant site was detected at a level twice the maximum seen so far – 313 millirem per hour, according to TEPCO.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said he believes the problem at the plant ''will not develop into a situation similar to Chernobyl,” even in the worst case.
The utility said a hydrogen explosion at the nearby No. 3 reactor that occurred Monday morning may have caused a glitch in the cooling system of the No. 2 reactor.
The hydrogen explosion at reactor 3 on March 14 injured 11 people: seven TEPCO workers at the site and four members of the country’s Self-Defense Forces. The reactor's containment vessel was not damaged and the reactor remains safely contained in its primary containment.
Administration, NRC Response to the Accident
At a White House briefing, press secretary Jay Carney said that information is still coming in on the status of nuclear plants in Japan, but that the Obama administration is committed to keeping nuclear energy as part of the U.S. energy portfolio.
Energy Department Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman said nuclear energy “continues to play an important role in providing a low-carbon future.”
Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said at the briefing that analysis of the damage, the type of reactor and the distances involved indicate a “very low likelihood” that any potential fallout from Japan might reach Hawaii or Western states.
U.S. nuclear power plants are built to endure the strain of natural phenomena like hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes, Jaczko said. “Right now, we continue to believe that nuclear power plants in this country operate safely and securely,” he said.
NEI has posted a new document, "Radiation in Perspective," which describes where radiation comes from and how it is measured.
My comments:
As for the dose rates listed in the above article. 40 rem/hr is a lot and any unshielded extended exposure could cause severe sickness and or death
As for the 821mrem/hour...........at 1000ft from there the dose rate would be less than 1 mrem/hr which is insignificant and poses no threat to the public. Granted number one priority at any nuclear site is to prevent the public from any exposure no matter how small.
Now these numbers are radiation exposure dose rates..........the real concern would be contamination which is different. Contamination is little particals that are radioactive that could be ingested or inhaled and therefore give you exposure internally until they are removed via the normal methods you get anything out of your body......sweat or other biological functions in the bathroom...
The fuel that has been and may still be uncovered was spent fuel in a spent fuel pool. This fuel is still generating heat but at a significantly slower rate than fuel that has recently been irradiated. If you will note they said the dose rates near the uncovered fuel were less than 100 mrem/hr.....If they continue to put water in the reactors eventually the dose rates will drop. Hopefully before fuel begins to leave the containment.
This event is definitely bad but it could have been so much worse.....One thing to remember is that this was not a failure of the personnel at the plant but a natural disaster.
At 8 p.m. EDT March 15, a dose rate of 1,190 millirem per hour was observed. Six hours later, the dose rate was 60 millirem per hour, IAEA said.
About 150 residents near the Fukushima Daiichi site have been checked for radiation and 23 have been decontaminated.
Japanese authorities have distributed potassium iodide tablets to evacuation center (see this page for more information on potassium iodide). If taken within several hours of ingesting radioactive iodine, potassium iodide can protect the thyroid gland.
Fukushima DaiichiUnits 1 and 3 at Fukushima Daiichi are stable and cooling is being maintained through seawater injection. Primary containment integrity has been maintained on both reactors.
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) reported an explosion in the suppression pool at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 2, at 7:14 p.m. EDT on March 14. Reactor water level was reported to be at 2.7 meters below the top of the fuel. The pressure in the suppression pool decreased from 3 atmospheres to 1 atmosphere. Radiation readings at the site increased to 96 millirem per hour.
Dose rates at Fukushima Daiichi as reported at 10:22 p.m. EDT on March 14 were:
- Near Unit 3 reactor building 40 rem/hr
- Near Unit 4 reactor building 10 rem/hr
- At site boundary 821 millirem/hr.
- Kitaibaraki (200 km south of site) 0.4 millirem/hr.
We are working on getting updated information on radiation and dose rates at and near the plant.
Station personnel not directly supporting reactor recovery efforts have been evacuated, leaving approximately 50 staff members at the site. Operators are no longer in the main control room due to high radiation levels.
Safety relief valves were able to be re-opened and seawater injection into the reactor core was restarted around 1 a.m. EDT on March 15 and is continuing.
At Unit 4 on March 14 at approximately 8:38 p.m. EDT, a fire was reported in the reactor building. It is believed to have been from a lube oil leak in a system that drives recirculation water pumps. Fire fighting efforts extinguished the fire. The roof of the reactor building was damaged.
Fukushima DainiAll four reactors at Fukushima Daini are being maintained with normal cooling using residual heat removal systems.
UPDATE AS OF 10:25 P.M. EDT, MONDAY, MARCH 14:Yukio Edano, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, during a live press conference at 10 p.m. EDT, said there is a fire at Fukushima Daiichi 4 that is accompanied by high levels of radiation between Units 3 and 4 at the site. The fire began burning at Unit 4 at around 6 a.m. Japan time on March 14 and is still burning. Fire fighters are responding to the fire. The reactor does not have fuel in the reactor, but there is spent fuel in the reactor (pool) and Edano said that he assumes radioactive substances are being released. “The substances are coming out from the No. 4 reactor and we are making the utmost effort to put out the first and also cool down the No. 4 reactor (pool).”
Edano said that a blast was heard this morning at Unit 2 at about 6:30 a.m. A hole was observed in the number 2 reactor and he said there is very little possibility that an explosion will occur at Unit 2.
“The part of the suppression chamber seems to have caused the blast,” Edano said. A small amount of radioactive substance seems to have been released to the outside.
TEPCO workers continue to pump sea water at 1, 2 and 3 reactors. “The biggest problem is how to maintain the cooling and how to contain the fire at No. 4.” At 10:22 a.m. Japan time, the radiation level between units 2 and 3 were as high as 40 rem per hour. “We are talking about levels that can impact human health.” Edano said.
Of the 800 staff that remained at the power plant, all but 50 who are directly involved in pumping water into the reactor have been evacuated.
UPDATE AS OF 9:40 P.M. EDT, MONDAY, MARCH 14: An explosion in the vicinity of the suppression pool at Fukushima Daiichi 2 just after 6:20 a.m. Japan Standard Time (5:20 p.m. EDT) may have damaged a portion of the reactor’s primary containment structure.
Pressure in the suppression pool has been reported to have decreased to ambient atmospheric pressure shortly after the blast. Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) has reported possible damage to the reactor’s pressure-suppression system. Radiation levels at local monitoring stations have risen but are still in flux. TEPCO has evacuated some workers from all three Fukushima reactors with the exception of approximately 50 workers involved in sea water pumping activities into the reactors as part of emergency cooling efforts.
Residents within a 20-kilometer (12.5 mile) zone around the plant were ordered to evacuate on Saturday following a hydrogen explosion at Unit 1. Another hydrogen explosion occurred this morning (U.S. time) at Unit 3.
Efforts to inject sea water into Unit 2 have been complicated by a faulty pressure relief valve. The fuel at Unit 2 has been exposed at least twice, before being re-covered with sea water.
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yukio Edano, has said a partial defect has been found inside the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
UPDATE AS OF 5:30 P.M. EDT, MONDAY, MARCH 14:Tokyo Electric Power Co. reported at 3:00 p.m. EDT that work had resumed to pump seawater into Fukushima Daiichi 2 to maintain safe cooling water levels after the utility was able to vent steam from the pressure vessel. The fuel had been exposed for 140 minutes Monday night due to a malfunctioning pressure relief valve. Water levels later went up to cover more than half of the rods.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission reports that the Japanese government has formally asked for assistance from the United States on nuclear power plant cooling issues triggered by the March 11 tsunami.
The agency has already sent two experts on boiling water reactor issues to Japan as part of a U.S. Agency for International Development disaster relief team. The experts now are in Tokyo providing technical assistance. The U.S. NRC is also monitoring the Japanese reactor events around the clock from its headquarters operations center in Rockville, Md.
Prior to the second exposure of the rods around 11 p.m., March 14 local time in Japan, radiation at the plant site was detected at a level twice the maximum seen so far – 313 millirem per hour, according to TEPCO.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said he believes the problem at the plant ''will not develop into a situation similar to Chernobyl,” even in the worst case.
The utility said a hydrogen explosion at the nearby No. 3 reactor that occurred Monday morning may have caused a glitch in the cooling system of the No. 2 reactor.
The hydrogen explosion at reactor 3 on March 14 injured 11 people: seven TEPCO workers at the site and four members of the country’s Self-Defense Forces. The reactor's containment vessel was not damaged and the reactor remains safely contained in its primary containment.
Administration, NRC Response to the Accident
At a White House briefing, press secretary Jay Carney said that information is still coming in on the status of nuclear plants in Japan, but that the Obama administration is committed to keeping nuclear energy as part of the U.S. energy portfolio.
Energy Department Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman said nuclear energy “continues to play an important role in providing a low-carbon future.”
Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said at the briefing that analysis of the damage, the type of reactor and the distances involved indicate a “very low likelihood” that any potential fallout from Japan might reach Hawaii or Western states.
U.S. nuclear power plants are built to endure the strain of natural phenomena like hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes, Jaczko said. “Right now, we continue to believe that nuclear power plants in this country operate safely and securely,” he said.
NEI has posted a new document, "Radiation in Perspective," which describes where radiation comes from and how it is measured.
My comments:
As for the dose rates listed in the above article. 40 rem/hr is a lot and any unshielded extended exposure could cause severe sickness and or death
As for the 821mrem/hour...........at 1000ft from there the dose rate would be less than 1 mrem/hr which is insignificant and poses no threat to the public. Granted number one priority at any nuclear site is to prevent the public from any exposure no matter how small.
Now these numbers are radiation exposure dose rates..........the real concern would be contamination which is different. Contamination is little particals that are radioactive that could be ingested or inhaled and therefore give you exposure internally until they are removed via the normal methods you get anything out of your body......sweat or other biological functions in the bathroom...
The fuel that has been and may still be uncovered was spent fuel in a spent fuel pool. This fuel is still generating heat but at a significantly slower rate than fuel that has recently been irradiated. If you will note they said the dose rates near the uncovered fuel were less than 100 mrem/hr.....If they continue to put water in the reactors eventually the dose rates will drop. Hopefully before fuel begins to leave the containment.
This event is definitely bad but it could have been so much worse.....One thing to remember is that this was not a failure of the personnel at the plant but a natural disaster.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Stop the panic. (Japan nuclear plant problems)
The following is a short description/ explanation as to why the media should keep their mouth shut about things they don't understand.
First. The reactors reported on the media have been shut down. Meaning the nuclear chain reaction that is used to generate electricity has been stopped. This happened automatically when the earthquake happened.
Second. The nuclear fuel continues to generate heat after the reactor is shut down due to the decay of fission products that are produced while the reactors were operating. This is the issue faced by the Japanese plants. They need cooling water to remove this decay heat. They lost power to their cooling water pumps so they were unable to provide the cooling that was needed which is why some of the fuel melted.
These plants are built with 3 layers of containment. The fuel pellets made of Uranium Oxide which are like little cylanders about the size of a cap from a magic marker are put into a round tube made of Zircaloy. This Zircaloy "cladding" is the first barrier or containment. The fuel melts at about 3000F and the Zirc at temps greater than 2000F. These fuel rods are put into assemblies and then into the reactor vessel. The reactor vessel is like a large pot. This pot is designed to withstand temperatures and pressures in excess of the normal operating temps and pressures. This is one heavy duty pot. This pot is sealed and is the second barrier or containment. The reactor vessel and associated piping and systems are inside a steel and concrete building designed to hold the pressure from an accident inside and not leak. This is called the containment building and is the third barrier. These plants in Japan have and additional structure built around the containment that is not built to be pressure tight. This is the structure that exploded. While not a good thing it would be like your shed in the back yard blowing up. Not required to keep the radioactive stuff inside.
As to the United States flying "special, important, coolant" over to Japan. You've got to be kidding me. Water is the coolant and last time I checked Japan was an island. They already put saltwater in the reactors which will prevent them from ever being operated again. The media is just making stuff up. As far as radiation released. The stuff if any that has actually been release is most likely Nitrogen 16 which has decayed to non radioactive isotopes in less than 30 seconds or noble gasses like Xenon which decays in a couple hours and once again poses little to no threat to the public. If you have every been to the beach, flown in an air plane, gotten an Xray, or God forbid gone to a tanning bed you could probably camp for a week or two right outside these plants in Japan and still not get the exposure you recieved from any of the fore mentioned activities.
If you have any questions, ask. or check out this site http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/03/13/fukushima-simple-explanation/ and please just turn off the news. Bunch of booger pickin morons trying to scare the public.
First. The reactors reported on the media have been shut down. Meaning the nuclear chain reaction that is used to generate electricity has been stopped. This happened automatically when the earthquake happened.
Second. The nuclear fuel continues to generate heat after the reactor is shut down due to the decay of fission products that are produced while the reactors were operating. This is the issue faced by the Japanese plants. They need cooling water to remove this decay heat. They lost power to their cooling water pumps so they were unable to provide the cooling that was needed which is why some of the fuel melted.
These plants are built with 3 layers of containment. The fuel pellets made of Uranium Oxide which are like little cylanders about the size of a cap from a magic marker are put into a round tube made of Zircaloy. This Zircaloy "cladding" is the first barrier or containment. The fuel melts at about 3000F and the Zirc at temps greater than 2000F. These fuel rods are put into assemblies and then into the reactor vessel. The reactor vessel is like a large pot. This pot is designed to withstand temperatures and pressures in excess of the normal operating temps and pressures. This is one heavy duty pot. This pot is sealed and is the second barrier or containment. The reactor vessel and associated piping and systems are inside a steel and concrete building designed to hold the pressure from an accident inside and not leak. This is called the containment building and is the third barrier. These plants in Japan have and additional structure built around the containment that is not built to be pressure tight. This is the structure that exploded. While not a good thing it would be like your shed in the back yard blowing up. Not required to keep the radioactive stuff inside.
As to the United States flying "special, important, coolant" over to Japan. You've got to be kidding me. Water is the coolant and last time I checked Japan was an island. They already put saltwater in the reactors which will prevent them from ever being operated again. The media is just making stuff up. As far as radiation released. The stuff if any that has actually been release is most likely Nitrogen 16 which has decayed to non radioactive isotopes in less than 30 seconds or noble gasses like Xenon which decays in a couple hours and once again poses little to no threat to the public. If you have every been to the beach, flown in an air plane, gotten an Xray, or God forbid gone to a tanning bed you could probably camp for a week or two right outside these plants in Japan and still not get the exposure you recieved from any of the fore mentioned activities.
If you have any questions, ask. or check out this site http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/03/13/fukushima-simple-explanation/ and please just turn off the news. Bunch of booger pickin morons trying to scare the public.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Its official
Well the key for the NRC GFES exam was released (preliminary version) and I did in fact ace the thing. All that worrying for nothing. To celebrate I would like to go to the Vintage Estates and grab a few bottles of beer. Don't think its in the cards for me tonight though. Paige has all kinds of stuff for me to do I'm sure. And I have to go pay for a stupid parking ticket. I got ticketed last night for parking in the cul-de-sac in front of my house. Said "snow emergency greater than 3 inches" so I had to park off the street. I have yet after three years seen the snow plow jerk clean the cul-de-sac except for the last time I got ticketed and then called and told him to get his @#$@$%@$ back out to clean it. Gotta love PA. any way to get money from my pocket to theirs. Can't wait for the fast food, soda, and donuts tax that the silly liberals want to impose. Thats the answer if you find a problem tax it, that will fix it. Pretty soon they will find a way to tax my homebrew. probably something like 10 bucks per pound for barley. 50 cents an ounce for hops.
Uncle Sam needs you. Do something for your country today...........Slap a liberal.
Uncle Sam needs you. Do something for your country today...........Slap a liberal.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Test results
Finished my test and looks like i aced it. Won't be sure until Friday when we get the key.
Been busy
I haven't been posting or cooking lately. I picked up a new hobby and have been studying for my NRC GFES exam which is in 30 minutes. Hopefully I will do well and will have some more free time after the exam is over. If I do good maybe I will pick up some new fish for my new saltwater aquarium (my new hobby). I have my eye on a jellyfish aquarium as well. Very cool. You can see it at jellyfishart.com.
Wish me luck.
Wish me luck.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Guinness Draft
So the other day I was forced once again to purchase an entire case of Guinness Draught bottles. The ones with the widget. I read online about how you can reuse the widget when bottling homebrew. Apparently, contrary to popular belief the widgets in the bottles do not have nitrogen in them but rather beer that has been forced into them when the bottle is pressurized during bottling. When the cap is removed the pressure reduction causes the beer in the widget to spray out through a little hole which causes the foamy head and cascading bubbles when poured. Anyways I had it in my head that I would reuse the widgets on my next batch of stout to see how it turned out. Well much to my chagrin I opened the first bottle and no widget. Then the second and third and still no widget. Apparently they no longer put the widget in the bottles. So no widget homebrew. This sucks
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Beer bread recipe
For those interested folks. Paige uses the Tastefully Simple beer bread package. Just add beer (I think) anyways just follow instructions on the package. Can't be beat if made with the Young's Double Chocolate Stout.
Monday, February 28, 2011
New beer store/bar
So last weekend my wife and I went out shopping. We went to Boardman Ohio because she wanted to go to Dillards and for some odd reason there is no Dillards in Pennsylvania. She wanted to make some beer bread and I have convinced her that there is no beer better for beer bread than Young's Double Chocolate Stout. (of course since then she used up all my Young's for beer bread) She wanted to see if we could pick some up and because in PA the state (IMHO in violation of the three tier law) distributes and retails beer by the case at the "state store." Where a case of Young's in the cans costs about $65 on a good day and up to $90. But in good ole Ohio beer nirvana exists at Vintage Estates. We entered the store and found literally thousands of individually wrapped bottles of barley goodness. They also sell wine and the place doubles as a bar as well. I picked up the can of Young's that we were after and a bottle of Dogfish Head Red &White which was awesome. The beer was a Belgian Wit with Pinot Noir juice mixed in. I also picked up a bottle of Dogfish Head My Antonia which was an Imperial Pilsner that was continually hopped. It was ok but I am not a huge pilsner fan. Needless to say if you within driving distance of Boardman, OH you should stop by Vintage Estates. great beer by the bottle.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Been a long time
Well its been a long time.
I have one of my batches still in the carboy waiting to be bottled but have been putting it off. I guess I will have to get down to it this weekend and bottle it.
Last night I drank a Dogfish Head Chateau Jihau (I think I spelled it right) I love that stuff. It is a beer made with honey and some fruit and then fermented with grape juice. Makes for a pretty interesting palate.
Needless to say I finished the 750 ml bottle probably didn't need to but hey, it was good. I will try to get some more stuff to post but with Paige having pnuemonia the last few weeks I couldn't do much and now she has commandeered my computer so who knows when I will get back on here.
I have one of my batches still in the carboy waiting to be bottled but have been putting it off. I guess I will have to get down to it this weekend and bottle it.
Last night I drank a Dogfish Head Chateau Jihau (I think I spelled it right) I love that stuff. It is a beer made with honey and some fruit and then fermented with grape juice. Makes for a pretty interesting palate.
Needless to say I finished the 750 ml bottle probably didn't need to but hey, it was good. I will try to get some more stuff to post but with Paige having pnuemonia the last few weeks I couldn't do much and now she has commandeered my computer so who knows when I will get back on here.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Need some new equipment
During the massisve brew weekend in November I wore out my mashtun. A mashtun is the vessel where the grain soaks in hot water to convert the starches in the grain into fermentable sugars. There is some sort of a filter in the bottom to strain out the wort (sugary water from the grain) and leave the grain behind. My old mashtun was a rectangular cooler with a stainless mesh tube I removed from a hose for a washing machine (the outer stainless braid covering the rubber hose). I had removed the drain valve from the cooler and inserted a new ball valve I picked up at Lowes. The stainless mesh was hose clamped to the valve on the inside of the cooler. The problem was over time the seal wore out and wort was leaking out to the floor. (the wife did not like this) For my new mashtun I am going to buy a large round cooler, most likely one of the big orange igloo coolers and do the same type of set up. When I make the new mash tun I will post some pics so those interested can see how to make their own for much less than purchasing one.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Killing time until beer
Sitting at my daughter's gymnastics class wishing I was home with a beer. My friend Rob tried my Belgian Wit and thought it was better than the Ommegang Wit he had. That is a real complement since I don't think I have ever brewed anything better than something I can buy at the store.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Ommegang Zuur. Sweet and sour with out the sweet
Ommegang ZUUR. Wow. A sour ale. If I hadn't known in advance I probably would have choked.
The head was a tan color. Head lasted to the bottom of the glass. Ale was a medium to dark brown color. Aroma was malty with a hint of a sour smell to it. Not a lot of hop in the aroma or flavor for that matter.
The taste was like a sweet tart with out the sweet. Very interesting and for my first sour ale I will say that it is a flavor that grows on you during the experience. I can honestly say that I liked it. Not something that I would drink all the time (especially not at $12 per 750ml bottle). I also think 750ml is a little much for one person at a setting. The taste reminded me of a Lambic style ale. Reminiscent of a Lindemans Framboise without the fruit. I give it am 8 out of 10. Ommegang doesn't disappoint. Great beer.
The head was a tan color. Head lasted to the bottom of the glass. Ale was a medium to dark brown color. Aroma was malty with a hint of a sour smell to it. Not a lot of hop in the aroma or flavor for that matter.
The taste was like a sweet tart with out the sweet. Very interesting and for my first sour ale I will say that it is a flavor that grows on you during the experience. I can honestly say that I liked it. Not something that I would drink all the time (especially not at $12 per 750ml bottle). I also think 750ml is a little much for one person at a setting. The taste reminded me of a Lambic style ale. Reminiscent of a Lindemans Framboise without the fruit. I give it am 8 out of 10. Ommegang doesn't disappoint. Great beer.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Home made labels
Labels I made for my home made wine. Believe it or not designing them is much easier than getting them to stick to the stupid bottles and stay there.
Friday, January 28, 2011

This is what I would like to do if I get the fridge.........minus the Keystone Light obviously..
New Kegerator
Gotta line on a free antique fridge. Waiting to hear if it is still available. Need to get my tap system hooked up again so I can quite bottling. Cross your fingers everyone.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
2010 wines from 166 Eric Drive Winery
Left to Right: Italian Valpolicella Ripassa, Washington Reisling, Port
All with home made labels. Labels can be custom made for your wine and beer. Email hbh739@gmail.com for details.
All with home made labels. Labels can be custom made for your wine and beer. Email hbh739@gmail.com for details.
Fermenters in the bathroom.
Left to Right: Samuel Smith Taddy Porter Clone, Belgian Wit, Cobbler Lager, Barleywine, Cherry Stout, Oatmeal Stout.
Cobbler Lager
This is one I have brewed twice. First time I kegged it back when I had a kegerator. This most recent time I bottled it. Both times it turned out pretty good. The fruit gives it a hint of a cidery flavor with a little spice note. Very clean beer. Can definitely drink a few of these on a hot day. (but usually brew this for the fall)
Description: The warm, brown-sugary flavors of a homebaked cobbler inspired this recipe. The combination of apples and pears really shines through in this crisp lager.
8lbs Pilsner Malt
1lb Munich Malt
1lb Torrified Wheat
1oz Tettnanger Hops (bittering)
2 cups Light Brown Sugar
2lbs Mutsu apples (peeled, cored, and quartered)
2lbs Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored, and quartered)
3lbs pears (peeled, cored, and quartered)
4 Cinnamon sticks or 2 Large sticks
1 package American Lager yeast
3/4 cup Corn Sugar (priming)
Mash crushed grains for 60-90 minutes. Collect 6 gallons of wort. Add Tettnanger hops, cinnamon sticks, brown sugar at start of boil. Boil for one hour. Cool to approx 70 F and pitch yeast. Primary ferment between 50-55 F for 5-7 days. Transfer to secondary fermenter and lager for 2-3 weeks.
Steep apples and pears for approx 20 minutes in hot water. (do not exceed 150 F or pectin will be released from fruit which will cloud your beer) Remove the fruit from the heat and add to fermenter. Lager for an additional 7-10 days. Rack to third fermenter. Let sit for 2-3 days or until clear. Bottle using the corn sugar and age for a week to 10 days.
To increase alcohol content I have added light malt extract in the boil. Usually add 1-2 lbs.
Original recipe from The Homebrewer's Recipe Guide. It can be picked up at most home brew shops or Amazon.com carries it. I have made a few minor changes to make it my own but the idea was from the book.
Description: The warm, brown-sugary flavors of a homebaked cobbler inspired this recipe. The combination of apples and pears really shines through in this crisp lager.
8lbs Pilsner Malt
1lb Munich Malt
1lb Torrified Wheat
1oz Tettnanger Hops (bittering)
2 cups Light Brown Sugar
2lbs Mutsu apples (peeled, cored, and quartered)
2lbs Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored, and quartered)
3lbs pears (peeled, cored, and quartered)
4 Cinnamon sticks or 2 Large sticks
1 package American Lager yeast
3/4 cup Corn Sugar (priming)
Mash crushed grains for 60-90 minutes. Collect 6 gallons of wort. Add Tettnanger hops, cinnamon sticks, brown sugar at start of boil. Boil for one hour. Cool to approx 70 F and pitch yeast. Primary ferment between 50-55 F for 5-7 days. Transfer to secondary fermenter and lager for 2-3 weeks.
Steep apples and pears for approx 20 minutes in hot water. (do not exceed 150 F or pectin will be released from fruit which will cloud your beer) Remove the fruit from the heat and add to fermenter. Lager for an additional 7-10 days. Rack to third fermenter. Let sit for 2-3 days or until clear. Bottle using the corn sugar and age for a week to 10 days.
To increase alcohol content I have added light malt extract in the boil. Usually add 1-2 lbs.
Original recipe from The Homebrewer's Recipe Guide. It can be picked up at most home brew shops or Amazon.com carries it. I have made a few minor changes to make it my own but the idea was from the book.
Recent beer tastings.
Recently found that the Giant Eagle Marketplace down in Robinson Township sells beer by the bottle. (limited amounts but great selection). This is as far as I can tell the only place around here to buy Dogfish Head. (http://www.dogfish.com/ )I tried the Raison D' Etre
again and again. Very good Belgian brown ale brewed with raisins and beet sugar. (sounds odd but tastes pretty good). Also tried the Chateau Jiahu.
very good as well. Other Dogfish Head varieties I tried were the Chicory Stout
and World Wide Stout.
Both were very good but the Raison was my favorite. Also I found my favorite beer to date. To my shock I found a chocolate stout that I like better than Young's. The Ommegang Chocolate Indulgence
is a Belgian style Chocolate Stout that is a seaonal specialty ale. (only comes out at the end of the year and well worth the wait and $12 price tag per bottle). Amazing is the only word that comes to mine.
I tasted two of my own. The Cobbler Lager turned out pretty ok. Not great. The apple, pear, and cinnamon gave the light lager a cidery type taste and the beer itself was very clean and crisp tasting. The oatmeal stout was significantly lacking in mouth feel. (very watery) but it did taste good. I am pretty sure my mash was too hot which resulted in the thin watery results. Going to try the other ones soon but I have another Ommegang I am going to un cork tonight.

I tasted two of my own. The Cobbler Lager turned out pretty ok. Not great. The apple, pear, and cinnamon gave the light lager a cidery type taste and the beer itself was very clean and crisp tasting. The oatmeal stout was significantly lacking in mouth feel. (very watery) but it did taste good. I am pretty sure my mash was too hot which resulted in the thin watery results. Going to try the other ones soon but I have another Ommegang I am going to un cork tonight.
Second Post
Going to put some all grain recipes and stuff on the blog when I can figure out how to do it. Also some cool equipment, books, and websites relating to beer. Hooray Beer!!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
First Post
Messing around with the blog. Not brewing lately. Bottled 4 batches, a Belgian Wit, Oatmeal Stout, Cherry Stout, and Cobler Lager. Have a Barley wine in the fermenter (fourth racking). Going to bottle it soon just need to get bottles. Posted some pictures just to see what this blog will look like.
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